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Articles in category ADHD Coaching and Advice

The real causes of ADHD are still unknown. Researchers have tried to link the problem with genetic disorders or improper functioning of the brain chemicals though. A pregnant woman living her life on a poor diet or bad lifestyle can transfer ADHD in her unborn child. As stated by the experts from the well know National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD is a type of neurobiological disorder. The disease is already on the rise. If we go by the facts and figures revealed by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, around 2 million children in the U.S itself and almost the same percentage of children in Canada are reported to have diagnosed with ADHD. 

Anyway, what we term as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not an unmanageable condition. With willpower and a right guidance, you can beat the ADHD symptoms and start living a balanced life. We all know, life is never so easy. And with that in mind, you have to take it just as another difficult phase of life. Never ever think of holding yourself back. You’ve to keep trying and fight the challenges with some effective strategies. 

You might expect to experience an extreme level of frustration during this time. As people with this type of problem face trouble in following instructions or directions, organization, keeping track of a conversation, controlling emotions and anger, feelings like disappointments are bound to appear. However, we would like to share a few tips that you can try to implement and wait to see a difference:

Ask for Help From Your Best Companion

As the level of disappointment is bound to increase at this time, you need a mental boost. Tell your friends to send your alert messages or email you the scheduled tasks as a help. 

Maintain An Event Calender

It’s best to note down or mark every important task or event on the calendar. Use Sticking Note Pad on Bathroom MirrorThe moment you wake up and stand in front of the bathroom mirror to freshen up, you will notice the sticker and so the notes.  

Don’t Overstress Yourself

Don’t make promises to over-deliver. You should take minimum stress to handle your mood. 

Avoid Negative Energy

If you think the company of a few types of people makes you uncomfortable, get rid of them.  

Meditation for Anger Management

We bet you’re going to like it. It’s an awesome method to calm your mind and increase mental focus. It might take you some time to make meditation a daily habit, but at last you’ll see unbelievable results.

Set a Reminder in Your Mobile

Your aim should be managing things in a best possible way you can. So if you think a reminder on your mobile can help you perform the tasks set by their priority, go for it.   

Get Lots of Sleep

Sleep is very important for a healthy mind. A tired overworked brain can show symptoms of attention deficit or worsen the symptoms of ADHD.  Sleep also regulates the brain chemicals indirectly. So it’s important that you give some rest to your mind.

Never underestimate Your Diet

If you’re pregnant, take a special care of your diet so that your unborn child does not become a victim of ADHD. When you’re not on a proper diet, your mind does not get the necessary nutrients and energy and therefore shows poor performance level. 

Develop the Habit of Recording

If you think you often lose track of an important conversation during a meeting, use a recorder and record the whole session so you don’t lose the important details because of the typical symptoms of ADHD.    

Do you know what’s the best way to fight an unfavorable situation. To fight a problem or unfavorable situation, know it as closely as possible. That way you will at least know what are common difficulties that a person with ADHD might have to deal with. In addition, also try to learn the strategies or ways to best handle the situation. That’s of course the task of an ADHD coach. If you’re diagnosed with ADHD, ask your psychologist what are the possible symptoms one might expect in this case.

 An ADHD coach is an expert and has developed a specific skill set over a certain period of time. He/she uses his expertise to build the best coaching model matching closely to the requirement of the patient. A coach provides the life support that helps a patient deal with the situation in his/her day to day life and bring back some moments in life until unless the situation is taken care of permanently by a therapist. After taking a consulting session with a patient, a coach designs a certain course of action and the patient is asked to follow the pattern to manage their daily tasks. So, it’s best to seek the expert help of the ADHD coaches to live a balanced life. 

To your Success and Happiness!
FreelanceCoach Team.

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