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Picture for ADHD 500 package

ADHD 500


US $500.00


FreelanceCoach Client ProtectionFreelanceCoach Client Protection
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Habits take time to form and then to harden into reliable new ways of going about life.  

Start today and begin the process of forging new ways of managing your time, organizing your ideas, work and space, learn how to focus, push beyond procrastination, shift your thoughts of yourself so they are supportive and uplifting, and watch your life start to blossom.  Use your strengths to benefit you, manage weaknesses and develop new ways of managing ADHD.

Design the life you want to live.

12-45 minute sessions.  Unlimited email.

Opt Out Days: 3 days

Freelancecoach will hold your funds for 3 business day(s) before they will be released to the professional.

ADHD 500 - Dan Weigold

Dan Weigold

ADD & ADHD Coaching

US | Falcon , CO


Username: dweigold
Member Since: Dec 20, 2012
Last login: Oct 25, 2017


Reviews: 6

ADHD 500


US $500.00


FreelanceCoach Client ProtectionFreelanceCoach Client Protection
Learn more

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