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Picture for Courageous Launching Program package

Courageous Launching Program


US $597.00


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YOU have a GREAT idea!!  Aren’t you eager to get started with it?

What are you waiting for?   NOW is the time and YOU are the person!

Coaching in our premier program, Courageous Launching, will equip you to get your big idea from ‘here’ to ‘there’ successfully. With our collaboration you will develop your own vision strategy of where you want to go and how you want to get there, and then we’ll support you, encourage you, sharpen you, and cheer you on as you courageously launch your dream!


In the Courageous Launching Program, you will spend 3 months collaborating personally with Sheila and receive:

    • a vision strategy developed uniquely for you
    • weekly strategy sessions via phone or Skype
    • many video, audio, and pdf resources
    • unlimited email and text support
    • monthly mentoring discussions
    • collaboration and accountability
    • encouragement and prayer

The personal coaching will instill the confidence you need to launch your ministry courageously,  and these strategy sessions will teach you everything you need to do it successfully!

Session 1:  Proclaim Your “There”!
No one would launch a rocket without aiming first – neither will we. In our first session together, we are going to get you laser focused on your ‘there’ – where you are going with this big idea – and set your aim to hit the target!

Session 2:  Identify Your ONE 
Dreamers, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and solopreneurs rarely have only one great idea – they are usually full of them! Instead of allowing all of your great ideas to cause frustration, distraction or confusion, we are going to start with one…and our second session together will focus on determining and developing that ONE GREAT IDEA toward accomplishing your dream!

Session 3: Inventory Your Assests
Personality Profile, Spiritual Gifts Assessment, TAGS (Talents, abilities, giftings, skills), Personal Style

Session 4: Build Your Brand
Refining ministry name and logo, establishing online presence

Session 5: Target Your Tribe 
Seth Godin defines a tribe as “a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.” In session three, we are going to narrow in on who that team is for your big idea and how you are going to engage your connection with them to accomplish it.

Session 6:  Chart Your Course 
The average Jane gets lost in the details, thinking they are just mundane routines…but you are not average; youare a leader. So, in session four you are going to flesh out your ideas into a charted course to navigate your dream. Your big idea is not average, so your work is not mundane…in fact it isn’t work at all; it is fun because it is accomplishing your dreams!

Session 7:  Gather Your Group 
Your BIG idea IS going to happen. YOU are going to make it happen. You could do it alone…but why would you? Session five is all about sharing the love and the load of your dream. We’ll help you identify and invite the right people into your team to help you make it happen!

Session 8:  Shout It Out
By session eight your engine is going to be running full throttle, you’ll be fueled up and ready, and then we’re going to put the pedal to the metal and start putting your plan in motion through personal marketing and social media.

Session 9:  Count It Down 
While you are counting down to your big launch, you are going to need support, ‘taste-testers’, and cheerleaders – and that is what session seven is all about. We’ll collaborate with one another, work out the kinks, and give it a test run!

Session 10:  Blast It Off! 
Session ten isn’t the ending; it’s just the beginning! You will launch at least one of your big ideas by week eight, and we will be celebrating with you through our own social media channels!

Session 11:  Yes! 
Yes! YOU can!! …and YOU will! This session is all about courage, tenacity, and momentum!

Session 12:  Maintaining Momentum
After Care Plan – Ongoing refinement and support after launch, reassessment and revision


Oh, and Sheila’s motto is to “promise only what you can deliver, but deliver more than you promise”…so expect some surprises and bonuses along the way as well!


Let’s Launch Your Dream!


Still not sure? Give your dream a chance at life and schedule a FREE 20-minute Discovery Session to discuss the possibiities today!

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Courageous Launching Program - Sheila Cornea

Sheila Cornea

Christian Coaching

US | Cleveland , TN


Username: DocShe
Member Since: Jan 30, 2013
Last login: Mar 15, 2016

Courageous Launching Program


US $597.00


FreelanceCoach Client ProtectionFreelanceCoach Client Protection
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