Picture for Healthy Eating for Busy People Webinar Series package

Healthy Eating for Busy People Webinar Series


US $142.00


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“Healthy Eating for Busy People Webinar Series: How to Eat Healthy While Living a Full Life”

Join Chanelle White, holistic nutrition & lifestyle coach, as she shares how to integrate healthier foods into your busy life to INCREASE HEALTH and VIBRANCY in this NEW WEBINAR 4-part series.

4-Part Webinar Series Description:

  • Increase your knowledge with a new topic each week.  
  • Learn strategies and shortcuts to healthier eating including tips and tricks to save time (and money).
  • Create weekly action steps based on your wellness goals. Leave each class with a personalized action guide.
  • Includes handouts, resources and support for your wellness journey, taught by holistic health coach and experienced educator.
  • Plus, get the preview class “Upgrading: Eating Healthier Starting From Where You Are” 

This class is designed for anyone who wants to eat healthier and boost their own wellness. 

Class Schedule (all classes will be recorded):   

Class 1: Greens and Veggies (2/21 at 8pm EST)

What’s the number one type of food missing from the standard American diet? You guessed it, greens and veggies! Veggies and dark leafy greens get a bad rap, mainly because most people don’t know what to do with them. Many of us grew up with canned and overcooked veggies, which turned us off from likening them. Have you wanted to increase the amount of vegetables in your diet? Ever by a bunch of produce and end up a week later with a fridge draw full of rotting veggies? This class will change that and give you tons of ideas and inspiration for eating more veggies.

Class 2: Grains (2/28 at 8pm EST)

Confusing! Carbs vs. no carbs. Gluten Free, wheat free or no grain diets are everywhere. But aren’t whole grains supposed to be healthy? This class will give you what you need to know to make wise decisions for yourself, as well as the knowledge and tools to prepare healthy grains. 

Class 3: Sugar (3/7 at 8pm EST)

No, I am not going to try and take away all the sweetness in your life. In fact, most of us can use more sweetness! In this class we will look at sugar in our foods, sugar cravings and how to work with them, the pros and cons of alternative sweeteners, and more. Question: Do you know how many teaspoons of sugar you are eating per day?

Class 4: Protein (3/14 at 8pm EST)

Another confusing topic. Protein is a necessary building block for our bodies, and it’s one area of food loaded with political, environmental and religious connections. I’ll give you the health and nutrition information, tools and techniques for a variety of sources from beans to animal, and you decide which types of protein are right for you.

Opt Out Days: 5 days

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Healthy Eating for Busy People Webinar Series - Chanelle White, HHC

Chanelle White, HHC

Wellness Coaching

US | West Cape May , NJ


Username: ChanelleWhite
Member Since: Jan 27, 2013
Last login: Feb 9, 2013

Healthy Eating for Busy People Webinar Series


US $142.00


FreelanceCoach Client ProtectionFreelanceCoach Client Protection
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