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                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Dora Carpenter

Founder, The ANIYA Group Life Coaching Center

United States | Washington, DC | Jan 2, 2025 | 10:43 AM Local Time


Dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals for personal and professional success, Dora Carpenter challenges and encourages participants to step outside their comfort zone and take action steps to create positive life changes. 

The hardest part of any journey is taking the first step; but, you must keep on stepping.

Life Coaching:  Attaining your goals in life begins with you.  Your decision.  Your belief in yourself.  Your willingness to change.  Your commitment to succeed.  Dora works with you to take the baby steps necessary to achieve desired results.

Personal Development: Self confidence.  Self worth.  Self esteem.  However, you choose to label it, until you believe in yourself, no one else will.  Dora will help you reduce fear, anxiety, and obstacles that are holding you back.  Make the decision to utillze the gifts and potential that you have inside of you.

Grief to Gratitude:  Statistics say that it takes, on average, five to eight years to recover from a devastating loss.  Dora says that it doesn't have to take that long.  She has worked over 10 years in the death care industry, and has assisted hundreds of families. She offers tools and techniques that will help you on your grief journey  She has authored several books on grief, and has appeared as a guest on Fox 5 Morning News.

Motivational Coaching:  Feeling stuck?  Don't know where to start, what to do, or how to move forward?  Dora will help you identify obstacles and develop an action plan.  She will motivate, encourage, and support you on your journey.

"Dora is passionate, energectic, and charming, and has helped me become a more positive person."


Username: CoachDC
Member Since: Sep 19, 2012
Last login: Jul 7, 2013

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