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                 Executive Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Colin Chodos


Australia | Sydney Australia, NSW | Dec 26, 2024 | 11:04 AM Local Time


Colin is a Director of ‘Corporate Connection Strategies and ‘Social Media Temps’.

Established in 1992 Corporate Connection Strategies is a specialist consulting company that assists organisations with Business Intelligence, Change Strategy, People Development & General Recruitment.  Colin is actively involved at Executive level coaching, mentoring and implementing strategic business initiatives for ...



Colin’s experience is a result of successfully inspiring business Leaders and Managers at a practical hands-on level to drive personal effectiveness and lift company performance, productivity and profitability.



Colin has been a key note speaker at the Telstra Business Awards and is regularly invited to speak at conferences and facilitate strategy workshops for Executive Teams internationally. Colin is highly respected as a speaker and facilitator by the Executive Connection having done over 250 presentations for them. Many of ...



Username: Colin_Chodos
Member Since: Feb 19, 2013
Last login: Feb 21, 2013

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