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                 Holistic Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Akasha Ka

Lifestyle Mentor, Oracle, Healer, Intuitive

United States | Atlanta, Georgia | Dec 26, 2024 | 5:32 AM Local Time


I help you connect to and ignite the inner Divinity (spark of God) within you that has the ability to manifest and create amazing results in your life so you can use the magic of your soul to create a life you feel is worth living.  Discover and live your ...



What makes me different from other psychics, mentors and holistic healers?

I specialize in helping people reach their greatest potential through igniting that special force within them (Soul expression) and creative power (Divine feminine/masculine energy) that has the ability to spark major transformations in their life.  As a part ...



I am a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Theta DNA Healing Practitioner, Psychic, Holistic Healer, Self-love Expert and Automatic Writer.  I also graduated from Georgia State University with a bachelor of Science degree in Sociology.  I also help parents who have spiritually gifted children, understand how to help them flourish ...



Username: akashaka
Member Since: Mar 12, 2013
Last login: Sep 29, 2013

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