                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Amorah Ross

United States | Woodinville, WA | Mar 14, 2025 | 1:33 AM Local Time


Have you ever...

...awakened in the middle of the night, tearing your hair about a relationship or situation in which you felt ineffective and wondered how to get through it with your sanity [and your hair] intact?

...felt sick and tired of being in a relationship in which you don’t feel respected or treated as an equal partner?

...been in a professional situation where you felt like you were drowning and thought that the only way out was for your colleague or boss to evaporate?

...wished that someone could just throw you a ‘life preserver’?

I’ve been a ‘life preserver’ for hundreds of people over the past 15 years. With me as your partner, you don’t have to continue experiencing these situations - not ever again! Are you finally ready to free yourself of old behaviors and attitudes that no longer work for you? 

If your time to thrive is now, we will make an unbeatable team - let’s get started!

“Live the life you’ve imagined.”- Thoreau


Username: amorahross
Member Since: Dec 1, 2012
Last login: Jan 7, 2016


Reviews: 4
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