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                 Business Consulting-


Confirmed Profile

Anthony Jones

Business Development Consultant

United States | Dallas, TX | Jan 4, 2025 | 5:41 PM Local Time


Anthony Jones

Mr. Jones has been an entrepreneur / consultant since 1992. Currently, he is the lead Business Development Consultant and Managing Director  of Alternative Business Consulting (ABC) Solutions , a business consulting firm dedicated to providing entrepreneurs and small business owners with an array of development services in management, marketing, finance and information technology in order to achieve business growth and overcome business "growing pains".  Mr Jones is also the area director for D/FW for the popular national business expo “Chocolate Blues and Business Networking Festival “ – an event held all across the country that draws thousands of business owners for a full day of connecting, networking and business education.

He was also the Center Director for Texas Business  Centers, a  virtual executive  office/business incubator, located in Denton, TX that provides affordable office solutions and business development options to start up and small businesses. He has worked with companies from the start up level in a variety of industries such as retail, consumer services, financial services and technology-based businesses up to large financial institutions in their accounting departments.

Mr. Jones was a regular volunteer Training Assistant (T.A.) for Pathways Lifestyle Management Seminars, an organization founded by Dr. Phil McGraw (best selling author, life strategist and regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show) which helps individuals with tools to develop better life management.  It's called "an experience based training" that allows individuals to resolve their barriers and issues through interaction rather than therapy.

Achievements:  Listed in the 1996-1997 National Directory of Who's Who In Executives and Professionals.

Education: Studies have included courses in Finance, Accounting, Business Communications, and Marketing. Most notable educational experience has come through being mentored in various areas such as private banking, e-commerce and business management. Has completed level one training of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) through NLP Learning Systems.  Have completed training to do business evaluations through Ackland and Associates and was a telecourse instructor for the now defunct SmallBusinessUniversity

Memberships: Previously a member of the Center for Non-Profit Management as a management resource. This is an organization dedicated to providing non-profit organizations with assistance in areas such as management and organizational development. Member of The Denton Chamber of Commerce.

Major Companies Worked With: Nationsbank, Mapsco, Sears Retail Finance Division, and Southland Corporation.


Username: bizconsultant2000
Member Since: Jun 23, 2013
Last login: Jun 23, 2013

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