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                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Carolyn Crow

Highest Potential Coaching

Canada | Brentwood Bay, BC | Jan 4, 2025 | 3:06 PM Local Time


Explore with me and know yourself better.  Decide on goals and get into action. Create your life...  Reach your potential.

Find better alignment between who you are, based on your interests, feelings and core values, and what you do in your personal and business life. Coaching enables you to better understand yourself and to create congruency between who you are and the choices you make. By asking powerful, thought-provoking questions and deepening the answers, I help you push past your pre-programmed conception of yourself.

As your coach, we form a partnership dedicated to uncovering your truth, and from there create a new, resonant vision of how you choose to live. Goals are set and action plans are developed. Through these action plans I support you to develop new habits and ideas at work and leisure that are aligned with your deeper truth. You live your most fulfilled and productive life and achieve your highest potential.



Username: carolyncrow
Member Since: Feb 14, 2014
Last login: Dec 10, 2014

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