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                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Carolyn Crow

Highest Potential Coaching

Canada | Brentwood Bay, BC | Jan 4, 2025 | 3:13 PM Local Time



Carolyn is a coach who has extensive experience working with women to create their most fulfilling lives.  Her strength is in calling forth the powerful essence of each woman’s heart to help her live from feminine integrity.  She has an intuitive understanding of human behavior combined with keen observational skills.  Her various roles of coach, group leader, mother, researcher and executive assistant have culminated in a powerful ability to observe and relate to people, coupled with a knack for holding the space for others to express themselves.


Self-Employed Life Coach                                                         September 2009 to present


Highest Potential Coaching.  This involves getting people in touch with their values and setting goals and actions commensurate with those, to create a personal and business life lived with integrity and purpose.  The philosophy is to meet as equals and empower clients to create their own best life.  This job has taught me how to ask powerful questions in order to drive a person deeper into her experience.

Personal Growth Workshop Facilitator                                      September 2010 to May 2013


Breathing Space Mind & Body Studio.  I started and ran a group weekly to help women relax, connect with themselves, grow personally and build community. Each week I generated a topic, a reading and a meditation.  This experience gave me the ability to manage the dynamics that emerge in a group setting, an ability to steer conversation in service of an agenda, and the capacity to hold a safe space for sharing.

President, Vice-President, Secretary                                        March 2001 to June 2006


Countryside Preschool.  I served in these roles for at least one year each, culminating with the presidency.   Each parent in the coop preschool was required to work shifts helping the children in the classroom.  The leadership positions involved running a not-for-profit organization within a budget, ensuring provincial regulations were being met in the school’s practices, coordinating the volunteers serving in all the jobs (approx. 15 people), resolving personnel issues, running monthly meetings for both the general membership and the executive, and attending meetings of the umbrella organization (VICPA).  I achieved enthusiastic synergy in the dynamics of the preschool operation.

Domestic Goddess                                                           February 1998 to present


At home.  Running a life-affirming, safe haven for my two daughters and husband.  Serving daily nutritious meals, keeping a pleasant, organized atmosphere conducive to relaxation and enjoyment, tending emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual requirements of household members.  This job has taught me that providing unconditional love is the most important thing a human being can do.

Lab Coordinator and Researcher                                        October 1994 to February, 1998


University of Victoria.  I tested research participants (university students and mature adults) using computer programs and paper and pencil tests.  I also scored tests and ran statistical analyses on data from the Victoria Longitudinal Study.  I coordinated communication between a busy lab of researchers and the supervising professors.  I gained a working knowledge of social science research practices and testing procedures, sensitivity in dealing with research participants, and the capacity to keep track of the practices and progress of the multiple people working in the lab.


Executive Assistant                                                           January 1992 to May, 1994


SNC-Lavalin Inc.   Worked for the VP Sales and Chairman of the Board in this engineering company in Calgary.  Performed secretarial functions and communicated with other senior level executives.


Coaches Training Institute                                                                                September 2009 to March 2011

Certified Professional Co-active Coach.

University of Victoria                                                                                     September 1995 to February 1998

M.A. Psychology.  Supervised by Dr. Roger Dixon.  Thesis was on retrospective evaluations of memory performance in the elderly.  

University of Calgary                                                                                            September 1983 to April 1994 

B.A. Psychology.  




Crow, Carolyn B. (1998).  “The way we were”:  Retrospective evaluations of memory performance in the elderly.  Master’s Thesis, University of Victoria.

Dixon, Roger A., Gagnon, Lisa M., & Crow, Carolyn B. (1998).  Collaborative Memory Accuracy and Distortion:  Performance and Beliefs.  In M.J. Intons-Peterson and D.L. Best (Eds.), Memory distortions and their prevention (pp. 63-88).  New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Hultsch, D. F., Bielak, A.A.M., Crow, C. B., & Dixon, R. A. (2009). The way we were: Perceptions of memory change in older adults. In H. B. Bosworth & C. Hertzog (Eds.), Cognition and aging: Research methodologies and empirical advances (pp. 197-216). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.



Username: carolyncrow
Member Since: Feb 14, 2014
Last login: Dec 10, 2014

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