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                 Cross-Cultural Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Claudia Landini

Cross-cultural and mobile career coach

Palestinian Territory, Occupied | Jerusalem, Jerusalem | Dec 22, 2024 | 12:30 AM Local Time


Claudia Landini


Born in Milan, Italy

Married, two children

Nationality : Italian




Ø  Friendly and enthusiastic personality

Ø  Easiness in expressing in several languages

Ø  Outstanding communication and intercultural skills

Ø  Good management of teams, both on presence and online

Ø  Knowledge and understanding of dynamics linked to relocating

Ø  Deep, immediate and empathetic understanding of different cultures and people

Ø  Solid capacity in organizing and conducting several kind of workshops and meetings

Ø  Outstanding capacity of communicating online, expressing empathy and creating a trusty environment at a distance

Ø  Strong adaptation and flexibility, developed in 24 years of life abroad, relocating in 9 countries on 4 continents (United Kingdom, Sudan, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Congo Brazzaville, Honduras, Peru and Jerusalem).


2013:                Coach Certificate at ICA (International Coach Academy, Melbourne) in Cross-cultural and Mobile Career Coaching

2011:                Crossing Cultures with Competence, with Anne Copeland of the Interchange Institute Geneva, 8th and 9th April

2010:                Home Abroad – Workshop on intercultural communication organized by Elan Interculturel in the frame of the Grundtvig Programme,1st to 6th March, Paris, France

2006:                Cultural Education and Pluralism, long distance post graduate course – University of Florence (Italy)

Paper:  The intercultural relations amongst the foreign women prisoners of the Santa Monica Women’s Prison in Chorrillos, Lima, Peru

2004:                Intercultural Communication: Diversity in Practice , Intercultural communication workshop at CIC       (Consultant Interculturele Comuunicatie), Amsterdam

1987:                Certificate of Proficiency in English, Royal King’s Cross Institute, London

1986:                Diploma of Interpreter and Translator in German and English, Higher School for Interpreters

and  Translators of Milan

1982:                School leaving examination “Maturità Turistica”, Secondary School at the Technical Higher School for Tourism, Milan


Jan. 2007 (Peru) to present:         Online courses (Italian and English) on cross-cultural communication, and building of a portable career (ongoing). Both courses are completely organized by me – in content, advertisement and management. The online course to build a portable career includes 7 modules, 4 sessions of individual coaching and two teleclasses.

              Coaching programmes for expatriates

Designing, organization and delivery of the “Between Cultures Workshop”, an interactive, cross-culture workshop aimed at bridging gaps between the culture of origins and the cultures one deals with when living in Jerusalem (March 2012).

             Training sessions on life in Peru to newcomers for  Global Dynamics Inc (2009)

Designing, organization and delivery of the "Challenges and Practices Relocation Workshop" in Lima, Peru. (March 2009). 12  women of 10 different nationalities participated in the workshop, that I entirely conceived and delivered in English. The same workshop was delivered in Italian in Milan, Italy (January 2010),  to a group of 16 women.

Tutor in the long distance Cultural and Education Pluralism course, University of Florence, Italy (January/September 2008).

From Jan. 2006, Peru:     Translations and proofreading for the IRD (French Institute of Research and Development)

October 2004, Peru:        Launch of the international website  expatclic, a multilingual European portal that provides a virtual meeting place to all expatriate women: active participation in the conception of the content and set up of the language teams. Since its foundation: editor, translator, team coordinator, and external relations.

1999 to 2003, Honduras:   Interpreting for the INFA (Instituto Nacional de la Familia) in adoption procedures,


Presidentof the association CODOI (Committee of Women of International Organizations): building of an area for physical and social rehabilitation for patients of the pediatric surgery department of the Hospital Materno Infantil, the biggest public hospital of the capital, with funding of the Canadian Cooperation, and organization of a walk against AIDS on the Aids World Day.


Expanding of activities of the international network Tam tam femme (created in 1997) to South America. Tam tam femme was founded to support women relocating to Africa and to stimulate a good relation between women cultures across continents. Founder, coordinator, writer and translator.



Italian, mother tongue                                                                                     

English, excellent, written and spoken                                                    

French, excellent, written and spoken                                                                              

Spanish,excellent, written and spoken                                                                      

German, good, written and spoken                        

Portuguese, good, spoken




Knowledge of main hardwares and of several PC/Mac software products  

Knowledge and experience of websites building and management

Proficient and at ease with online communication (skype and other conference calls softwares)



March 2013, Expat Mothers, an article for UnSpecial magazine

October 2012, Elsabie, a story for Foreing Encounter, an anthology by Writers Abroad

March 2012, Trailing Spouses, an article for UnSpecial Magazine

April 2009, Una capitale al bivio (A capital at a crossroad), an article for the Italian travel magazine Meridiani

January 2007, Storia di Claudia (The story of Claudia) in Per amore, per lavoro, storie di donne espatriate (For love, for work, stories of expatriate women), a book by Francesca Prandstaller – ed. Guerini e Associati

From 2004 to present: 200 articles published


Username: claudiaexpat
Member Since: Oct 14, 2013
Last login: Nov 16, 2013

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