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                 Executive Coaching-


Confirmed Profile



United Kingdom | Fleet, Hants | Sep 16, 2024 | 3:52 PM Local Time


Interests and Passions

Family and Home, especially being a Dad for my 11 year old daughter.

Passionate about bringing coaching to business leaders.

Equally passionate about developing a ‘new leadership’ behaviour based on collaboration, connection and community. 

Support and evolve the development of a new paradigm for business success in the 21st century.

Astronomy, the cosmos and everything quantum.

Computing and the positive application of technology.


Current affairs, Society and the development of social justice.

Exploring spirituality and integrating it into my work.


BA with Open University, Social Science & Technology

PCC certified coach with International Coach Federation

Time to Think Coaching Training

Certified Coach with Evolutionary Institute

Certified Level 2 Coach with Results Coaching Systems

Business Coaching diploma, Newcastle college.

Advanced NLP for trainers (John Seymour)

Systemic NLP (Robert Dilts & Ian Mc Dermott)

Facilitation training with IDHP (UK) and Interaction Associates (USA)

Employment History


9/2000 > current

Partner of The Learning Corporation, focused on optimising business performance and developing leadership skills. Coaching and facilitating business groups and individuals. Mixture of large corporate and small business clients.

2/1999 > 9/2000

IBM Corporation USA, member of Global Executive & Organisational Development team. Focused on executive development of top 300 executives world wide. Used Hay/McBer management styles and organisational climate / competency 360° tools.

Developed an internal coaching network in IBM USA.

Worked with senior executives in Americas, China, ASEAN, Europe.

1/1994 > 2/1999

Senior Consultant with IBM Business school in UK. Focus on building leadership and coaching skills with IBM’s corporate clients.  Began and then owned the  coaching and facilitation curriculum for IBM UK.  Developed and delivered training programmes focused on developing leadership capability.

4/1992 > 1/1994

Consultant / Trainer with Skillbase Ltd, seconded from IBM Management Development.  Focus on developing leadership capability in IBM middle / first line management community.

4/1988 > 4/1992

Branch Manager Customer Service for IBM UK.  Senior position with 12 managers reporting in, 165 people, $30M business, 2500 customers.

Member of the senior team in a $400M services business.

1985 > 1998

Branch Operations manager IBM UK, responsible to the Branch Manager for managing finance, resource and meeting business targets

1983 > 1985

Large Systems support manager for UK, responsible for coordinating and providing high level technical support.  Interfaced with several manufacturing plants world wide

1980 > 1983

1st Line Manager IBM UK, Customer Service.

1971 > 1980

Several technical positions in IBM UK culminating in Regional Support Specialist for large Systems products.


Username: coachfac
Member Since: Feb 28, 2013
Last login: Jun 19, 2013

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