Verlean Hailey
                 Relationship Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Verlean Hailey Turner

United States | Mar 6, 2025 | 10:06 PM Local Time


Verlean Hailey Turner, affectionately called DrV is a loveologist, preacher, counselor, life and relationship coach, retreat speaker, spoken word artist, author, spiritual cupbearer, degreed in Psychology, Christian Counseling and Theology with a speciality in Women's Studies. DrV is establishing the 1st Elizabeth Suites Retreat Home,the Ascended Woman Resource Center as well as course content for iLove University. She is CEO of Life&ME, Plus Plan BE. and has recently been commissioned to be the Inspirational Coachingl Director for Social Butterfly Network. 

Dr. V's coaches and mentors include the famous Anthony Robbins (NLP); Les Brown and Apostle P. D. Mason.

She is the author of: Woman, By Revelation and The Black Rose, as well as the contributing author for Fragmented Heart Healers, and She Said; Crystalized Thoughts and TeaCup Theology.

As a Writer's Coach: She conducts quarterly "Love, She Wrote" Seminars for Women.

Conference & Retreat Expert, DrV conducts the annual: ReCoverME NOW Retreats, LoveME Conferences and the ReSilient Woman Tours.


Username: drverlean
Member Since: Sep 13, 2012
Last login: Nov 13, 2012