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                 Personal Development-


Confirmed Profile

Ellen Thea


United States | Talkeetna, AK | Jan 4, 2025 | 5:35 PM Local Time


I offer spiritual and holistic counseling as well as tarot and astrology readings, along with energetic work. I give you a friendly hand to hold, offering emotional, spiritual and energetic support for making the journey, the evolution into your divine, beautiful self, and an array of tools to facilitate your growth.


I began working with my spirit guides and various cosmic energies at the age of 6. My first tarot readings started at the age of 12 from an ordinary deck of playing cards. I began studying astrology at this time as well (that’s over 40 years of experience!). I have a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy with a specialization in medical family therapy, which informs my counseling work. I’m a Usui Reiki master (since 1995) and work in a variety of other energy modalities including Blue Star Celestial Energy, Angel Reiki,  Elenari Healing System, and more. I’m also an ordained minister through the Universal Light Church. I create customized holy day and life passage rituals, and facilitated drum and moon circles.

I’m an award-winning freelance writer and performance poet. I also offer critique, editing, and proofreading, and generalized support and encouragement for artists and healers.

As an educator, I develop specialized curriculums for all ages from preschool through adult learners.

I create Reiki-charged jewelry, and sell vintage jewelry.

I've been a news reader and music dj for the local community radio station and have worked in the national park service.

My book, “On My Way to the Apocalypse”, was published by Dingaroo Press (DingarooPress.com) in 2012.

I'm a native New Yorker (the city), with roots in South Florida. I currently live in a small rural village in southcentral Alaska.


Username: ellenthea
Member Since: Oct 14, 2013
Last login: Jan 5, 2016

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