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                 Business Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Erica Klein

LinkedIn Business and Career Coach

United States | New York, NY | Dec 21, 2024 | 5:22 PM Local Time


Book Credits (Author, Co-Author, Executive Editor)

·       WRITE GREAT ADS: A Step-by-Step Approach, (Wiley). Writer’s Digest Book Club Selection. Continues to be a highly rated title among U.S. businesses and financial services firms.

·       THE REINVENTED WEALTH MANAGER, upcoming financial book series from Goldman Sachs and Wiley.

·       THE ONLY GUIDE TO ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS YOU’LL EVER NEED (Bloomberg). Best-selling consumer finance book, now in its second printing.

Marketing and Advertising Awards

·       Henry Hoke Senior Award for Nation’s Best Direct Advertising Piece

·       New Woman Magazine/National Association of Female Executives, Best Business Plan Award, $15,000 prize

·       IABC Golden Quill Award for Best Brochure (with Pentagram Design)

Education, Training and Memberships

·       B.A. in English, Teaching Certificate (Double Major), Washington University

·       Subsequently developed and taught Advertising Copywriting classes at Washington University

·       Coursework in “The Visual Display of Quantitative Information” - Yale University Extension Division

·       Ongoing training in Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter), Video Marketing and Production, and Content Strategy/Content Marketing

·       Equivalent of Series 7, Operation Certification, Wells Fargo (A.G. Edwards)/advanced training in fixed income, private equity and hedge fund investing

·       Extensive coursework in Digital Content Strategy for Global Organizations

·       Member, New York Speechwriter’s Roundtable

·       Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) Citizens Advisory Committee - Communications

·       Founder and Group Manager, Thought Leadership Professionals Association (TLPA) LinkedIn Group


Username: ericaklein
Member Since: Dec 26, 2012
Last login: Dec 18, 2013


Reviews: 1

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