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Alina offers personal counseling and coaching services and leads support and therapy groups where she uses a wide variety of effective methods drawn from many therapeutic modalities, including Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Psycho-Cybernetics, Hypnosis, Focusing, Yoga, a type of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for ADHDers, Talk Therapy, and Visualization. She specializes in working with kids, students, and adults going ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome and all other productivity related issues. She loves working closely with parents and couples to create the right organizational systems that their ADHDer or Aspergian can embrace, and to give family members the tools they need to get all their unique needs met as painlessly as possible.
Alina has led the Guelph Adult ADHD Support Group in Guelph since June 2010, and works with parents, employers, educators, entrepreneurs, and all breeds of ADHDers to decrease the symptoms that impact their own and their family’s lives, as well as to advocate and bring awareness about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder into our communities. She also has a weekly radio show called Strange Brains Talk Radio around issues and strategies pertaining to people with ADHD/Asperger's Syndrome (listen here), runs several Yoga Classes including one for people with ADHD (learn more), has a regular segment on Inside Guelph (Rogers TV) as their current ADHD/Asperger's expert, and gives educational workshops at PTA groups and Schools on strategies for ensuring success in and out of the classroom.
Among all the other things Alina is and does, her own ADD plays a wonderful role in her life, and she thanks her lucky stars for all the gifts it continues to bring with it, such as boundless energy, unquenchable curiosity, and a deep seated love for egg timers (cheapest and most effective ADHD management component EVER).
Username: | guelphadhdcoach |
Member Since: | Nov 21, 2012 |
Last login: | Nov 21, 2012 |
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