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                 ADD & ADHD Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Julie Katz

Nurtured Heart Approach Parent Coach

United States | Las Vegas, NV | Dec 3, 2024 | 9:08 AM Local Time


I’m a mom of a very intense child. I had tried multiple programs including: doctors, classes on parenting, books on child behavior, medications, special diets, allergists, chiropractors, homeopaths, you name it! I never thought this would be the career path that I would choose, but once I started using ...



I have been training parents, teachers, religious institutions, Foster Parents, Anti-Bullying Agencies, PTA groups, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, School Counselors, The Wrap Around Services, Psychologists and Child Protective Services for just under 2 years.



I am the only Certified Nurtured Heart Trainer/Coach in Las Vegas since Jan 2013


Username: jbalto
Member Since: Apr 8, 2014
Last login: Apr 17, 2014

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