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                 Personal Development-


Confirmed Profile

Karen Donaldson

Self-Leadership & Public Speaking Coach

Canada | Ajax, Ontario | Jan 8, 2025 | 2:04 AM Local Time


I specialize in coaching individuals, business professionals and executives to strengthen their self- leadership and  communication skills. Essentially partnering with individuals to create the mindset, action plan and action habit to move to their next level of success.

My sole focus is to empower and help individuals realize how amazing they are “right now”, identify and own their mental barriers and share “simple” strategies and tools so they can achieve their next level of success, high performance, profitability and happiness in their professional and personal life.

In the area of public speaking coaching, I am quite untraditional,  yet so effective as stated by my clients. I identify and build on your natural style – authentically developing your strengths, and show you how to; look good, feel confident, connect & engage with their audience and ensure their every word motivates action and results.


Username: karendh75
Member Since: May 23, 2013
Last login: Jul 3, 2013


Reviews: 5

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