FiveSenses Holistic Coaching is about shifting the paradigm. What we have been taught is no longer working. To change your life you must follow your own sense of inner knowing. Through pathways, we bring to the surface what has not been seen before through awareness. Then with consistant focus of ...
With over 25 years in teaching, working with people in motivational ways, Art Therapy & Life Coaching, Kelley is here to support and uplift your spirit to a greater capacity as she leads you into a higher state of mind. Sometimes you have to believe in somebody else's belief in ...
Masters of Science in Art Therapy, ATR, certified Montessori Teacher, artist, dancer & life training she has both experienced shifts in her consicusness with these methods and led the way for others to fuller, more productive lives.
Username: | kelleymandl |
Member Since: | Sep 21, 2012 |
Last login: | Nov 21, 2013 |