                 Executive Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Kimberley Simon

Creative Emergence Coach

Canada | Toronto, Ontario | Mar 14, 2025 | 1:55 PM Local Time


Kimberley has a unique mix of regional and national nonprofit, corporate, sales and entrepreneurial management and team leadership experience, as well as exceptional coaching skill and experience.

You will experience remembrance, healing and new consciousness that can fuel your life right now, wherever you’re at. You can be sparked with new ideas that feed your soul and take action that is aligned with who you really are tol reap new results and fruit… in your everyday life, both personally and professionally. 

Some want the comfort and clarity of one call while others want ongoing support, either privately or via the energy of a group, to completely transform every aspect of their personal and professional lives.


Username: kimberleyasimon
Member Since: Dec 29, 2012
Last login: Oct 21, 2013