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                 Spiritual Mentoring-


Confirmed Profile

Kimberly Nichols

Intuitive Counselor/Integrative Health Facilitator

United States | Los Angeles, CA | Jan 4, 2025 | 5:54 PM Local Time


I am an intuitive counselor, integrative health and holistic wellness facilitator in the Los Angeles area. I have been an intuit my whole life and oftentimes am able to bring that into a relationship with my clients as well. I believe in a comprehesive approach toward healing and the inherent bliss that is everyone's right on this planet by incorporating a bevy of tools such as electromagnetic field reading, journaling, dream analysis, talk therapy, meditation, guided visualization, creative arts, ritual, fitness, plant medicine and nutrition into your journey. Unlike a traditional doctor, I believe the relationship between me and my clients should be comprehensive and cover a wide variety of bases that we work on together including mental, physical and spiritual. It's about finding out where you are now, tackling the issues that have led you to where you are now, clearing your side of the street from the problems currently at hand and then arming you with the tools to maintain a balanced existence and fulfill your greatest potential.


Username: kimberlynichols
Member Since: Jul 5, 2013
Last login: Jul 22, 2013

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