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                 Finance Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Kristina Plimer

Director and Head Coach

Australia | Sydney, NSW | Dec 22, 2024 | 12:14 AM Local Time


Bluesky Coaching Sydney is a dynamic financial and life coaching practice whose vision is to assist others to reach their full potential and eliminate the unnecessary stresses in life. Whether it be short, medium or long term goals, Bluesky Coaching Sydney can help you break past those barriers that seem to prevent you from achieving them.

Bluesky Coaching Sydney is a financial or money management specialist, simplifying then coaching individuals and couples using custom developed tools with a personalised approach to help them get ahead for the long term. We provide a unique critical service, particularly at a time where the economy is fragile, structuring sessions to enhance and enable.


Username: kplimer
Member Since: Mar 15, 2013
Last login: May 13, 2013

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