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                 Finance Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Kristina Plimer

Director and Head Coach

Australia | Sydney, NSW | Dec 22, 2024 | 12:19 AM Local Time


Bluesky Coaching Sydney
October 2011 – Present (1 year 6 months)Bondi Junction

Kristina Plimer is the highly qualified founder and head coach at Bluesky Coaching Sydney. Kristina holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Psychology from the University of Wales, Cardiff (ranked in the top 5 of all UK universities for Psychology at the time), a Diploma of NLP and Coaching, amongst others.

(Open)3 recommendations, including:
  • Skye Baird
    Skye Baird
    Skye LifeStyle - Yoga and Wellness Coach

    Kristina's innate knowledge of how to manage your personal finances is extraordinary. Her passion for helping people get...View

  • Yasmin Munro
    Yasmin Munro
    Owner and Development Coach at On Track Coaching

    I have worked with Kristina on a number of occasions, every time I have found her highly knowledgeable, an excellent...View

1 more recommendation


Beyond NLP
May 2011 – January 2012 (9 months)

Operations ManagerEdit

November 2005 – August 2011 (5 years 10 months)

Supervise staff to ensure efficient case management service delivery and ability to report on this for both the IHSS and CCS contracts
Draft and review policies and procedures
Report to DIAC and Senior Management on all aspects of service delivery as required
Manage and participate in projects to ensure creation, maintenance and enhancement of data capture and reporting systems
Sourcing suitable bilingual staff for incoming caseloads
Manage recruitment process for operational and administrative staff to ensure appropriate staffing levels for continuous service delivery
Assist in tender preparation and financial modeling for new and existing services

Development of a case management database to store electronic file information and capture and report on all critical data, inclusive of financial points and KPIs
Creation, implementation and maintenance of systems and procedures for service delivery.

(Open)3 recommendations, including:
  • Karen Aylott
    Karen Aylott
    Assistant Manager, Learning and Teaching at University of Sydney

    Kristina is a dedicated and valued colleague who is highly regarded and well respected by her colleagues and staff.View

  • Amitabh Rajouria, , MIEAust
    Amitabh Rajouria, , MIEAust
    Team Leader at Settlement services International

    Kristina is one of the most energetic mangers I have worked with in the last 10 years. She has a strong knack for...View

1 more recommendation

Assistant Social WorkerEdit

London Borough of Brent Children's Social Services
October 2003 – October 2004 (1 year 1 month)

Case Management and referrals for families deemed to require the ongoing support of Social services.
Monitor and report on family progress against outcomes required by the Child Protection Committee and/or court. 
Report on instances of neglect or abuse and advise the Child Protection Committee and/or court on recommended course of action.
Supervise family contact sessions.
Provide support to children in care and leaving care.
Assist in removal of children.
Cognitive Behavioural counselling of both parents and children who were vulnerable due to mental health issues and drug and alcohol problems.

Effectively managed a high caseload with acute complex needs, with minimal support in an area deemed to be one of the most impoverished and crime ridden areas of London.
Managed to break down the barriers of a number of families who had been disheartened by the social welfare system over many years of being in the system, and assist them achieve significant cognitive-behavioural change.


Supported Housing OfficerEdit

Wandle Housing Association
February 2003 – September 2003 (8 months)

Manage a supported housing unit for young mothers, including health and safety checks, procuring and requesting the services of contractors, overseeing repairs, purchases and relevant invoicing, balancing a budget according to breakdowns of rent and service charges, recovery of former and current tenant rent arrears, and preparing for governmental reviews. 
Provision of practical and emotional support to residents, providing parenting skills guidance and preparing them for independent living.
Assist residents in sourcing a property to live independently and provide referrals for ongoing support.

Achieved the target of a one week turn around for vacating and filling supported housing rooms.
Assisted residents to make significant progress in their ability to care for both themselves and their child/children independently.


Resettlement and Support WorkerEdit

Royal Borough of Kingston Housing and Social Services
January 2002 – February 2003 (1 year 2 months)

Provide advice, practical support and emotional support to clients during the period of transition between homelessness and settlement into secure permanent accommodation.
Specialised in providing assistance to survivors of domestic violence.
Tailored support plans to a variety of complex needs including Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol, Physical disabilities, refugees and young mothers.
Referral and liaison with Community Mental Health Teams, Community Drug and Alcohol Teams, Children and Families Teams, various benefits departments, Police, and voluntary organisations.


Refuge WorkerEdit

East Thames Housing Association
September 2001 – December 2001 (4 months)

Provision of emotional and practical support to women and children fleeing domestic violence with a view to empowerment. 
Liaison and referral to other agencies such as; Drug and Alcohol and Children and Families teams within the local Social Services; Housing Departments, Police, local church groups, Women's Aid and Refuge.
Ensured vacant rooms were filled and women received counselling and community services in accordance with their wishes.

Domestic violence, rape and child abuse advocate , Domestic violence, rape and child abuse advocate


Username: kplimer
Member Since: Mar 15, 2013
Last login: May 13, 2013

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