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                 Psychic Reading-


Confirmed Profile

Deborah Sniffen

Lady Sharona

United States | Las Vegas, Nevada | Dec 22, 2024 | 12:11 AM Local Time


I have been doing psychic Readings professionally for about 25 years.  I am also an adept at Magick, herbology, and Astrology - the Occult "sciences" as I like to cal them.

Featured on Radio in Conneticut, New Yourk,, Rhode Island, Honolulu, Las Vegas.  Television in Honolulu, Australia, Japan and New York.

Taught Past Life Regressions and Remote Viewing regularly for Serendipity Riches in Honolulu.

Useed to write psychic advice column for Las Vegas Tradeshows Magazine.

Have run 3 successful covens, which graduated some fine new HP and HPS.

Run an occult store of my own in Honolulu, and in partnership with Lady Rhea for a short time in 1993 New York.  Helped run Serendipity Riches with my dear friend (unfortunately now deceased) for several years in Honolulu.

Worked with the US Military Chaplains to explain precepts and concepts of Wicca, as soon as it was designated a recognized Reilgion

Have successfully rid houses of disturbed spirits.and performed exorcisms.


Username: ladysharona
Member Since: Aug 17, 2013
Last login: Mar 4, 2014

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