                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

LaKia Allen

Lifestyle Management Coach

United States | Deptford, NJ | Mar 14, 2025 | 5:22 AM Local Time


LaKia Allen is a certified and professionally trained health and wellness coach.  She is working with wives and mothers who have lost their way and helps them to reconnect to their soul’s passion and purpose.

With the understanding that the whole is better than the sum of its parts LaKia’s clients are empowered to create a healthy balance between  the three elements of life,  the mind, body, and spirit in order to become masters of their mind, guardians of their body, and luminaries of spirit.

By partnering with LaKia, clients are inspired to develop behaviors and habits for optimal  health and wellness. Through her extensive coach training she has become an expert in behavior change by helping clients gain clarity on what they really want in their lives. LaKia’s coaching will provide the catalyst that deepens her clients’ awareness of their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.


Username: lakia97
Member Since: Jan 31, 2013
Last login: Dec 27, 2013


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