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                 Christian Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Lorie Mayfield

Certified Life Coach & Biblical Counselor

United States | Dec 22, 2024 | 5:06 AM Local Time


I am a person who is dedicated to helping you become the best of who you are. I don't want anyone to come to the end of their lives with regret because they didn't do what they were designed to do. I believe that God created each person for a reason and until you discover what that reason is you will not be complete. The methodology that I use is eclectic where I merge aspects of biblical counseling with life coaching gained from many sources and through practical living. I utilize biblical counseling to address the heart as the source of human actions and reactions and by using the wisdom and approaches revealed in the Bible to help transform your life. I use the skills learned as a certified life coach to motivate you by give you the skills and step-by step guidance to help you reach your goals.


Username: ldyann
Member Since: Oct 4, 2012
Last login: May 3, 2013

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