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                 Wellness Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Lue Maxwell

Life Chef & Nourishment Coach

Canada | Dawson City, Yukon | Jan 2, 2025 | 4:18 AM Local Time


If you have tried every diet and every fad with no lasting success, then you need to connect with Lue who will work with you to empower you to get to the root of the matter.Through one on one wellness and lifestyle coaching, workshops and programs, Lue helps people connect with how they feel both physically and emotionally with what and how they eat. 

Is this you?

  • You cannot control your appetite
  • You are ruled by your cravings
  • You are tired of dieting
  • You are unhappy in your skin
  • You are afraid to fail yet another diet or eating plan
  • Are ready to find out once and for all what is holding you and your body back from optimal health.

Then you need to connect with Lue at Cascade Holistic today!

Lue's passion, has allowed her to combine her loves of Health Coaching and Raw Food to devise a unique approach to the mind body connection with how you eat affecting how you feel.


Username: lmaxwell
Member Since: Feb 4, 2013
Last login: Feb 16, 2015


Reviews: 1

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