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                 Executive Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Monika Jensen

Principal, Aviary Group

Canada | Pickering, Ontario | Dec 22, 2024 | 12:14 AM Local Time


Ms Jensen has her Ph.D in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Masters in Communication and an Honours Bachelor of Arts, in applied social science and a Certificate in Fundamentals of Management. She holds an Advanced Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) from the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, and a Certificate Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation as well as a certificate from St. Stephen’s Community Centre in community dispute resolution techniques. She is a Licensed Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Psychology (NLP). She is also a Registered Professional Trainer with the Institute of Professional Management.

She is currently the President for the Society of Conflict Resolution in Ontario (SCRO), member of the Network, panel member of the Canadian Foundation for Dispute Resolution of Canada, and a certified member on the Employment Law section of the ADR Institute of Ontario, and rooster Mediator, Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program (OMMP) and the Ministry of Health Long Term Care Roster (CCAC). Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.  Member of the Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD), and Diversity Employment Equity Practitioners Association (DEEPA).


Username: mjensen
Member Since: Apr 2, 2013
Last login: Apr 2, 2013

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