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                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Early Jackson

Life Adjustment & Transition Coach

United States | Norfolk, VA | Dec 21, 2024 | 6:20 AM Local Time


Early L. Jackson Jr., profoundly recognized as a Social Activist, has been laboring to bring balance, skill, relevance and understanding to people of all nationalities. After effectively overcoming a stretch of drug addictions, Early has highly developed himself to become a successful life coach.  As a result Early has had ...



As a former youth and community counselor in Philadelphia, I have extensive experience working with many backgrounds. Primarily as one who assists in transitions I have encoountered clients from business leaders looking to expand, small groups who were seeking a healthier lifestyle from addictions and non profit organizational leaders who ...



Certified life coach from Katapult Coaching International

Professionally trained in the following:

* Conflict Resolution

* Office Synergy & Productivity

* Goal Orientation & Time Management




Username: mr_empowerment
Member Since: Jan 2, 2013
Last login: Jan 3, 2013

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