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                 Career Consulting-


Confirmed Profile

Øivin Robberstad

Norway | Stavanger/Oslo, Stavanger | Dec 3, 2024 | 12:35 PM Local Time


Senior Consultant at Right Management, within Career Management. Location i Oslo, but serve clients in Stavanger, Trondheim, Bergen and Kristiansand

Specialties: • Talent Development – oil industry.
• Executive Coaching  - diverse industries
• Career Management Facilitation - individual coaching and group seminars in several industries with individuals on different levels in the organization
• Corporate Trainee ...



Consultant and coach in career management program. Assessment in change and transition, self-awareness  and how to approach the market. My customer satisfaction rate and client success rate are fare above average



BI Norwegian Business School

Master of Management, Consulting and Project management

2003  2005

BI Norwegian Business School

HFE, Høyere Forsikringseksamen

1992  1998

Handelshøyskolen BI

Siviløkonom, Finance

1976  1978

Hetland Videregående

Realfag, Artium

1967  1970



Username: oivin.robberstad
Member Since: Apr 25, 2013
Last login: Apr 25, 2013

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