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                 Relationship Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Onya Nicola

Owner, LivePRAXIS

Canada | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Jan 7, 2025 | 11:06 AM Local Time


I love people! I love the interaction and the feeling of purposeful energy.

My journey into the coaching world began after completing my University studies in Environmental Studies/Urban Social Studies. I took a position with a large pharmaceutical company and quickly moved from the sales office into a mentoring/training role. I later left to complete a master degree in psychology and an MBA (HR). I returned to the same company rising to vice president of sales and human resources. After 5 years, I pursued the opportunity to share my skills with other, although, I still do consult for the same company. My goal was (and still remains) to impart, on those I come in contact with, the importance of connecting on a deeper level with family, lovers, peers and clients.


I believe that true success is only possible when you have a team of well-wishers to support you. So, what does that mean coming from a coach? It means that my focus is giving you the skills to be able to know what you need and how to get it - how to align your beliefs, thoughts, actions, interactions, and expectations to your goal. It means we focus on creating a world around you that propels you towards success. My style is honest, clear and sometimes tough but it is worth it because all the work is for YOU.


Username: onye
Member Since: Dec 6, 2012
Last login: May 24, 2013

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