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                 St. James-
                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Jay St. James

Personal and professional relationship advisor

United States | Scottsdale, AZ | Dec 21, 2024 | 11:54 PM Local Time


I am an experienced hypnotherapist and counselor since 1986 with a background in psychology. I can help clients understand and resolve problems they might be facing and get their relationships back on track. I have helped many clients understand themselves and their unconscious motives to achieve freedom from past and present behavior patterns that are ruling their lives. My philosophy is "insight grants personal power to change". So if you are tired of being stuck in an unhappy situation, call Rex for direct, clear insight to freedom.

"Know ye the truth and the truth shall make you free"!


Username: rex
Member Since: Oct 1, 2013
Last login: Nov 20, 2013

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