                 Career Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Shell Mendelson

Career Counselor and Career ADD Coach

United States | New Braunfels , Texas | Mar 14, 2025 | 4:38 PM Local Time


Shell Mendelson, MS is a career professional of 20 plus years. Her experience as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, CRC, prepared her for the next step as a Career Counselor and Coach.  Trained personally by Richard N. Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute, and the grandfather of career counseling, Shell offers a unique perspective - one that does not include tests but rather an "inside-out" wholistic approach to creating and defining an authentic career direction that is joyful, fun and profitable.  Shell has a Masters of Vocational Counseling from SF State and has been a member of the National Career Counselors Association.

Using the skills she loves, Shell was founder and CEO of KidzArt, an international children's art franchise system, in 1998. KidzArt now has franchisees in over 39 states and 15 countries.

She has been in private practice for over 15 years. 


Username: shellmendelson
Member Since: May 29, 2013
Last login: Jun 9, 2014


Reviews: 8
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