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                 Psychic Reading-


Confirmed Profile

Sonic Nova


United States | ASHLAND, OR | Jan 4, 2025 | 2:52 PM Local Time


A CERTIFIED REMOTE VIEWER, REMOTE INFLUENCER... super accurate ... I don't need any external tools such as Tarot Cards, Pendulums Etc... With my remote viewing skills I see EVERYTHING most others cannnot...

CORE EXPLANATION of my skill-set for FreelanceCoach members Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target or future potential using subjective means, in particular, extra-sensory perception (ESP) or "fully sensing present circumstances, people or events with a holographic mind".

Typically a remote viewer is able to give information about an object, event, person, situation or location that is hidden from psychic view and separated by distance.   In order to successfully remote view, an individual must operate at a level of mind where he/she will show electrical brain wave traces where Theta waves oscillating between 4 to 5 cycles per second will predominate.  Psycho-physiologists call this the deep Theta level of the mind.      The deep Theta zone is precisely at the interface with the Delta level of mind (deep sleep), where the human brain waves oscillate between 1 to 4 cycles per second. Only Remote Viewers influencers can operate in a waking state at this Theta level of mind.

Expressing it in a metaphorical way: Alike icebergs afloat on the ocean, life-forms, as separate creative thought processes, are but time/space expressions of the infinite waters of the universal ocean. So ultimately I become the subject through the One Mind that the inquirer is asking about. People cling solidly to that misperception that they are separate from The Universal Mind to which I have full access too. For the most part, people often refuse to accept that they are as water we are all interconnected through The Universal Mind. That in reality, no iceberg is really taller or smaller than another, for they all come from the same, and they all go back to the same. That their power, or ego, is all illusory, and temporal.

Ultimately, there is only One Universal Mind. One Intelligence. Expressing and experiencing itself through all of its life forms, sentient or material, or unattached.

The "kingdom" is "within" not "without".  Such an understanding finally explains why the "King" as the Universal Mind is within each one of us, and why we are all, as space/time manifestations of It (the "Kingdom"), within It. One reflects the other.  After all this is a holographic Universe. Your mind (Spirit) is not bound by and into a "material" body. It is only bound by and connected to the physical senses that make you aware of a physical reality while in a physical form.


Username: sonicnova
Member Since: Nov 7, 2013
Last login: Aug 21, 2018

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