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                 Career Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Sunniva Heggertveit-Aoudia

Co-Active Coach, Trainer and Consultant

France | Le Rove, Bouches de Rhone | Jan 7, 2025 | 2:01 AM Local Time


Sunniva Heggertveit-Aoudia is a Co-Active Coach, as well as a Consultant and Trainer. Prior to becoming a professional coach, she used performance coaching in her role as a Human Resources Manager. She graduated from The Coaches Institute (CTI) summer of 2010 and has to date had 15 clients. Sunniva also uses coaching techniques in her consultancy and training.

Sunniva has clients across three continents and connects with her clients via Skype, telephone or face-to-face. 

Additionally, Sunniva is the founder of NORSUN Diversity and Cross-Culture Consulting, a company that specialises in helping businesses to increase organisational performance through focus on inclusion and a better understanding of working across national cultures. Sunniva has twenty diverse years of work experience, of which 12 years within Human Resources and Diversity and Inclusion, working at international level. 

A Norwegian, Sunniva is now settled in France after having lived and worked in Switzerland, Cyprus and USA. She is fluent, and coaches, in Norwegian, English and French.


Username: sunniva
Member Since: Mar 7, 2013
Last login: Mar 11, 2013

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