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                 Career Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Sunniva Heggertveit-Aoudia

Co-Active Coach, Trainer and Consultant

France | Le Rove, Bouches de Rhone | Jan 7, 2025 | 2:13 AM Local Time


Coaching Approach: The co-active model holds the client as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and completely capable of finding their own answers to whatever challenges they face. Sunniva respects life’s interdependences and at the same time focuses on what the client wants to change. With her excellent listening skills and natural intuition, she hears what the client genuinely says, feels and experiences. By mirroring this back, the client develops a deeper self understanding. Sunniva creates a safe, non-judgmental environment in which the client can experiment, resulting in the client identifying new solutions, possibilities and choices. Her structured approach and direct communication style enable the client to make progress towards their desired goal, taking into account the full context. She coaches people wanting to make an important change, with particular experience from career transition, improving relationships, balancing work and family, getting past a creative block, improving performance, making the most out of a stay abroad or handling burn-out.  

Sunniva is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and adheres to their Code of Ethics. 


Username: sunniva
Member Since: Mar 7, 2013
Last login: Mar 11, 2013

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