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                 Motivational Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Susan Weiss


United States | Far Rockaway, NY | Jan 2, 2025 | 4:41 AM Local Time


Industrial/Organizational Psychologist and Certified Coach, who specializes in Coaching and Human Resource Training and Development. Susan currently works as an HR Professional in Platinum HRM, focusing on Employee Relations, Coaching and Training and has a private coaching practice, where she utilizes over a decade of personal and professional development experience to inspire others to reach their potential and live an optimally fulfilling life. She has successfully navigated many of life's challenges, attaining a Master's degree, CPCC and ACC in coaching, while raising three beautiful children on her own. Susan loves to spend time outdoors in nature, and with her children. She enjoys music, plays piano, paints in oil, does yoga regularly, and writes poetry and music. Her motto is 'Love Your Life!' and she practices this principle by embodying its perspective each day. 


Username: susanweiss
Member Since: Dec 19, 2012
Last login: Dec 19, 2012

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