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Dr. Oxana
                 HR Consulting-


Confirmed Profile

Dr. Oxana Svergun


Canada | Toronto, ON | Dec 22, 2024 | 12:54 AM Local Time


Oxana got her professional experience consulting organizations, leading HR departments and implementing integrated Talent Management solutions in global companies - up to 70,000 employees across 5 countries in such diverse industries as manufacturing, industry, mining, retail, wholesale, internet business,  distribution and business education. Her background includes working with c-Level, CEOs, senior managers of small private companies to multi-billion dollar publicly traded organizations.

Oxana has a real passion for leadership effectiveness coaching, executive coaching, team work facilitation and assessment feedback. In leadership development projects she applies world class coaching methodology and sharp assessment instruments (360, MBTI, Big Five, Hogan, OPQ, DISC). She believes in the power of coaching relationship and helps executives, teams and companies to create long term, measurable results in leadership effectiveness.


Username: svergun
Member Since: Mar 29, 2013
Last login: Jul 12, 2013

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