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                 Psychic Reading-


Confirmed Profile

Tanya Lester

Tea Leaf &Tarot Reader - 1 (888) 331 9580 ext 109

Canada | Kelowna, BC | Jan 2, 2025 | 7:28 AM Local Time


Tanya Lester has psychic abilities in her ancestral background on the Lebanese side of her family. Her grandmother and great-grandmother were tea leaf readings. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in history which also included taking psychology courses from the University of Winnipeg. Her most recent book is Confessions of a Tea Leaf Reader, which includes information on how to read tea leaves, the history of this psychic art and details many interesting readings that she has given (names are changed and locations are not mentioned in order to keep clients' identities confidential). This book has been reviewed in Prairie Fire Review of Books, Gulf Islands Driftwood and in other publications. She has done tea leaf readings, interviews and predictions for Bill Richardson on CBC Radio's Richardson's Round Up, for Dana Hutchings on CHEK TV, for SHAW TV, for freelance broadcaster  Lynn Thompson (inluding a phone-in show), on Salt Spring Island Radio, Monday Magazine, Gulf Islands Driftwood, AOL etc. She is also a tarot reader, channeller, Russian Gypsy Card reader, a reiki master (hands-on energy healer and teacher), author of four books, freelance journalist and reviewer, art model and housesitter. She has had a wide range of jobs ranging from being a cleaner in motels, a mental health instituion and private homes to teaching memoir courses at senior centres and creative writing at the University of Winnipeg continuing education. She has participated in many spiritual practises and religious organizations including the Unitarian Church  as well as the Spiritualist Church. She regularly practises Chi Gong, goes on retreats, goes for nature walks, reads spiritual books and attends holistic health seminars.


Username: tanyatealeaf
Member Since: Sep 7, 2013
Last login: Mar 20, 2014


Reviews: 3

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