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                 Relationship Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Theresa French

Certified Fresh Start Divorce & Relationship Coach

United States | Minneapolis, MN | Dec 21, 2024 | 11:15 PM Local Time


Theresa is not only a certified relationship coach, she is also a marriage and divorce survivor.  "I didn't just study principals and concepts from a book or some online course.  I'm a relationship coach for couples in trouble and for divorced individuals because I have walked many miles in your shoes and I have experienced the pain inherent to divorce and the ending of a love relationship...and I won!"  

We are very focused in our work and have created two powerful and very specialized programs to help you through saving your marriage OR rebuilding your life after your break-up.


Create the relationship you've always wanted with the partner you already have!  Marriages that work are the ones that you spend time working on.  Relationship Rehab is designed for couples to do the work they need to get through the "or worse" parts of their relationship.  This program is designed to help those who have reached a turbulent point in their marriage and are considering divorce or separation.   This 10 week program will help couples begin to understand what issues are most problematic, discover patterns in behaviors that lead to unhealthy conflicts and learn ways to turn these responses around in a way that will rejuvenate and reignite your love relationship.


Divorce is a broken experience and before you can go on with you life, you need to be able to pick up the pieces.  This period often includes deep emotional feelings of despair, disappointment, revenge, retaliation, hopelessness and helplessness.  Individuals who have been faced with a divorce need time to develop a new orientation to the life that will come and to mourn the death of the future they had hoped for.

 Our Fresh Start: Empowerment after Divorce programs offer you an opportunity to utilize a very practical and useful framework for taking a look at where you are now and where you'd like to go in the future.  This step-by-step process will help you get into a position to enjoy the life that comes after divorce by empowering you with a new sense of self, shedding the baggage that keeps you stuck .  This is a chance for you to learn from the past, get to know who you really are now, define what is really important to you and develop new parts of you that were previously unknown. 

 You can read more about our programs in our Packages listed here on Freelance Coach.

 We always offer a free initial consultation… take the first step and let's just have a conversation.  From there, together we'll figure out what is the right next step for you.  Wishing you the very best… I hope to have a chance to work with you!


Username: theresatalks
Member Since: Jan 30, 2013
Last login: May 20, 2014

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