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                 Motivational Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Laura Bedford

Chi/Vibrational Healing, Inner Light Awareness

United States | Bloomingdale, IL | Jan 7, 2025 | 12:40 AM Local Time


Inner Light and Vibrational Healing for all ages. Private, workshops and speaking. All experiences with me are highly experiential, meaning participants feel into the Higher Harmonics beyond all discord and thoughts of fear or separation in the mind.

50+ years of life as a highly self aware human being. Self awareness includes awareness of both the ego mind (chi/veiled mind/fear/ separation thoughts and "all about me" in the mind) and the Higher Mind/Inner Light Awareness and Higher Harmonics.

Had mystical as a young child and existentially questioned from a young age how suffering/unkindness toward anyone could be possible and why I did not remember where I came from before being born. Such questions bypass the ego mind and bring "gnosis" or inner knowing.

1992 to present, Practicing and Teaching

2007, founded Lily Wisher "InnerViews" to support clients to recognize (re-COGnize) their beauty and wholeness through sharing stories and being interviewed with heart expanding, Inner Light triggering questions. Lily Wisher "InnerViews" transformed into Trusting Our Inner Light, a private endeavor supporting youth and adults to trust their chi and Inner Light awareness to enlighten the mind from all upsets and spark our wonder and creative flow.

2010, Authored The Mix Up, an uplifting, tool packed book designed to inspire a felt sense of chi and remind us to always look within our heart's wisdom for guidance and insight from the Higher Harmonics (Higher or Divine Mind)


Username: trustingourinnerlightwithlaura
Member Since: Apr 4, 2013
Last login: Apr 12, 2013

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