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Kathleen Bartle

Executive Conflict Consultant

United States | Los Angeles, CA | Dec 21, 2024 | 6:30 PM Local Time

My Packages

Click on packages' titles to see details.

Most professionals hit a "career wall" and they start doubting themselves and their skills. This doubt can hurt you and ultimately your bottom line. I help my clients stop fearful doubting and start acting with confidence. I provide training, coaching, best practices & reading materials. I'm an author with a ...

Conflict Consulting      $700.00

Many executives find themselves embroiled in conflict, either between themselves and others, or from within. These challenges can be handled with the right guidance and support. Do yourself a favor and get out of an abrasive situation or mindset and set yourself free to focus on what's really important ...

This coaching is designed specifically for serious workplace conflict situations including abrasive behavior and bullying. So, if you are a target of such behaviors, or you have been labeled a bully, then grab this package and change your life.

Handling Workplace Bullying      $700.00

This coaching is designed specifically for serious workplace conflict situations including abrasive behavior and bullying. So, if you are a target of such behaviors, or you have been labeled a bully, then grab this package and change your life.


Username: conflictqueen
Member Since: Jan 11, 2013
Last login: Jun 27, 2013

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