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Take Your Spiritual Advisory Business to the Next Level!

As professional psychic you can gain access to thousands of clients who need their advice right here on FreelanceCoach. We have two kinds of clients seeking psychic services:

  • Most need to learn from a fellow psychic to get into the spiritual advisory business or expand their current psychic business.
  • Others need the advice of a psychic who can guide them as they deal with an issue in their personal, career, or business lives.

But whether you prefer working with fellow psychics or you enjoy working with other clients who need your advice, you'll find plenty of work here!

We offer four ways to find new clients who need a psychic:

1. Create a profile and service packages so clients can contact you directly.

2. Work with our team when they contact you because you're a perfect match for one of our clients' needs.

3. Browse our database of requests from clients who need a psychic and contact them.

4. Be ready to chat with people needing a psychic right here on FreelanceCoach. 

Most of the psychics who offer services through our site work via email or phone, but our chat system provides an excellent way to connect with clients needing advice without waiting. Our feedback and rating system also enables you to build up your online reputation quickly.

Since you set your own rates for your service packages and chat time, you decide how much money you will make. And there are plenty of perks for signing up with us.

Additionally, you will need to pay FreelanceCoach commission on everything what you earn through FreelanceCoach. We charge a commission of 19.99% to start, but the higher your monthly sales volume goes, the smaller our fee percentage becomes.

Here are our fee splits: 

Sales Volume per Month    FreelanceCoach Fee
$0 - $1,000.99                         19.99%
$1,001 - $5,000.99                 14.99%
$5,001 and up                         9.99%

Please note: Refusing to pay our fees or requesting to be paid outside of our network will result in you being banned from FreelanceCoach indefinitely.

Are you ready to start offering your psychic abilities to the world?

All you need to do is create your profile and get ready for all the work that will start coming your way.

1. Use the form on this page to register.

2. Build your profile, create your service packages, and decide how much to charge for your time.

3. Let our quality assurance team review your profile and approve it.

4. Begin working with clients who need a psychic, and we'll make sure you get paid on time.


It takes just 60 seconds to start on your journey toward building a bigger and better spiritual advisory business!

As seen in:

What Our Clients are Saying... See Complete List

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