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Articles tagged how to achieve self confidence

Self confidence is like a boat that will take you closer to your goal. It is an attribute that lies within the realms of our mind and all we need is awaken it. Being human makes us fallible, we often become victims of pain, anxiety, and stress. These are the negative attributes that create doubt and we end up with an inferiority complex. It clouds our positive attributes like confidence and esteem. Lack of self confidence has been linked to drug dependency, violent behavior, and suicidal tendency. A survey by The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that suicide caused by depression leads to more deaths across the world than war. In fact, according to a WHO report, suicide rates across the world have increased by 60 percent in the last 45 years.

But then the question arises how to achieve self confidence.

Achieving Self Confidence

According to a report by Dr Joe Rubino, nearly 85% of the world's population is suffering from low self confidence. The first step toward achieving self confidence begins with belief. According to a report by Alexandra Delis-Abrams, Ph.D., almost 50 million Americans every year suffer from mental disorders, varying from eating disorders to depression. Depression is caused by low self confidence and 15% of depressed women in the USA have attempted suicide.

The question is how can you achieve self confidence and bring in a positive change? You need to start by changing the negative opinion you have of yourself. Your opinion about the self is based on the interpretations of the following:

  • Your current job
  • Your job responsibilities
  • Your value as a person
  • How you perceive others see you
  • Your place in other people’s lives
  • Your place in the world
  • The purpose of your life
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Your independence
  • Your social status

All of the above help in forming an opinion. The more positive opinion you form, the more it will help boost your self confidence. There are two more important aspects that can help you in improving self confidence and they are:

Limitations: One of the important aspects is accepting our limitations. We all have strengths and weaknesses but accepting the weaknesses and working on it to transform ourselves is often a long journey. Most people try and avoid this journey because people believe that accepting weakness is accepting defeat. However, the truth is that only when you accept your weakness can you bring in positive change.

Short-term goals: One of the best ways to boost your self confidence is by giving yourself short-term goals and achieving them. The time target for your goals should not exceed a month and you can even search for weekly goals. Each time, you achieve a goal within the specified time span; it will help boost your confidence.

Warm regards,

FreelanceCoach Team

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