Clients receive 4 (50 minute) Career Coaching Sessions per month for $175.00
Clients also receive unlimited email support.
What Carol's clients are saying:
Coaching with Carol these past months has been a life-altering experience for me. She has been coaching me through a challenging transitional period in my life after losing my job. Through her coaching and with her expertise, I have learned to be more optimistic, see the importance of living life to its fullest and giving it a purpose and impact.
Carol is a great listener and has been extremely supportive, patient, compassionate and gentle, and yet very skillful and adept in helping me move out of my comfort zone and “blaze my trail” in the direction I always dreamt about. Carol’s personal story is in itself inspiring, what is equally important to me is that when I get off the phone with her, I myself feel more empowered. She has guided me in focusing on what it is I want to accomplish and is there to support me when I need encouragement. She has helped me overcome the obstacles I have encountered, and helped refine the steps I need to take in order to accomplish my goals. As I forge on in my new direction, I feel much more confident and successful. Thank you, Carol!
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