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                 ADD & ADHD Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Ann Whitney

Certified NLP Life Coach & ADHD Coach

United States | reno, nevada | Dec 3, 2024 | 9:20 AM Local Time


Because ADHD is a part of you and won’t go away, it is important to understand your challenges with it, and how you deal with the ways it affects you.  Working as a team, coaching helps to bridge the gap between your desire to initiate an action, and you ...



My observation, throughout my life, has been that everyone has some ADHD tendencies, including myself.  Additionally, my partner and step-son have both been diagnosed with ADHD, so I live with variable aspects of this disorder every day of my life.  The awareness and observation of daily struggles in my own ...



Ann has a BS degree in business administration and holds the following certifications:

  • ADHD Certified Coach by JST Coaching, LLC – International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certified Program
  • Certified Coach by the NLP Coaching Institute of California, International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certified Program
  • Certified NLP Coach Practitioner by NLP Choices
  • Certified Fitness ...



Username: awhitney
Member Since: Feb 12, 2013
Last login: Sep 27, 2013

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